Dennis Jordanides, MD
Hoag Medical Group
Internal Medicine
510 Superior Avenue
Suite 200C
Newport Beach CA 92663
Work Phone: 949-734-7446
Work Email:
Dennis Jordanides, M.D., is the immediate past Chief of Clinical Practice Development at the Hoag Medical Group, which currently has 8 practice sites serving the population of Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, and Irvine. In January 2014, Dr. Jordanides established a private internal medicine practice.
Dr. Jordanides received his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (Eta Kappa Nu) from the University of California Santa Barbara and his M.D. from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. He served his residency at the University of California Irvine Medical Center, and then practiced and studied under the prominent Harvard-trained internist Dr. Ann Mass. That experience inspired Dr. Jordanides to develop his unique style of practice, which centers around delivering personalized, compassionate, coordinated, and thoughtful care.
Dr. Jordanides was the medical director and founder of Coast Internal Medicine Consultants in Newport Beach. Prior to moving into exclusive outpatient practice, Dr. Jordanides started a new inpatient medicine department at Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage, CA, and was on clinical faculty at the University of California, Irvine. He also served as medical director for Carmichael Training Systems in Aspen, Colorado, which provided physiologic testing and medical consultation for elite athletes. He has appeared many times on local television to discuss diverse medical topics including cardiovascular risk reduction, cancer screening, hormone replacement therapy, and travel medicine. He serves on many Hoag hospital committees and work groups, and stays active in a number of state and national health care organizations.
Dr. Jordanides is a Huntington Beach native where he lives with his wife and their two young children. They enjoy the beach, skiing, bicycle rides, music, and a wide array of family activities.